
if a population ignores 
that unrighteous abuses some individuals 
then that population could live a good life in ignorant bliss 
but unrighteous reproduce during that time 
and after a few generations there will be more unrighteous 
that abuse more individuals 
and after a few generations there will be so many unrighteous 
that abuse too many 
so relations between countries worsen 
and a world war erupts 

after the world war there are fewer unrighteous 
and those unrighteous abuse some individuals 
and the unrighteous reproduce 
so that more unrighteous abuse more individuals 
wars erupts between countries 

after the wars there are fewer unrighteous 
and those unrighteous abuse some individuals 
and the unrighteous reproduce 
so that more unrighteous abuse more individuals 
conflicts erupts between countries 

individuals in every country are aware of what unrighteous are doing 
some individuals sacrifice themselves by being baits 
to lure out unrighteous that try to abuse them 
fewer unrighteous survive 
and fewer unrighteous reproduce 

populations in every country are aware of what unrighteous are doing 
many individuals sacrifice themselves by being baits 
to lure out unrighteous that try to abuse them 
even fewer unrighteous survive 
and even fewer unrighteous reproduce 

as time passes 
few unrighteous are born 
and few unrighteous reproduce 
and few unrighteous survive 

a turning point is achieved 
the populations took control of their own destinies 
by using evolution to their advantage 

a new golden age approaches 
because countries don't need to waste resources and money 
to lure out unrighteous 
and individuals don't need to be sacrificed 
to lure out unrighteous 


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