
Showing posts from October, 2024

dimension drive

a spaceship  with components that are 4th dimensional, 5th, 6th or Nth dimensional  could use those components  to shift their weights into the Nth dimension  so that the components could get a grip on the Nth dimension  while they are still partly in the 3rd dimension  and/or as they are connected to the spaceship in the 3rd dimension  then the space ship could use those components  to climb upwards through the atmosphere into space  and then the spaceship could use those compinents  to pull itself forward through space  that space ship would not need reaction mass to travel  which could revolutionize spaceflight for humans 

dark arts

every country needs  that atleast a few individuals of their people  knows dark arts  for those countries to function efficiently and survive long term  usually it's difficult to learn dark arts  and usually it's difficult to teach dark arts  which indicates that only a few learn dark arts  because it's usually difficult for a individual to learn dark arts  it probably takes a lot of resources and time  to teach an individual dark arts  so it's reasonable to assume  that organizations and possibly countries  use a lot of resources and time to teach a few individuals dark arts  and lots of resources and time  usually means a lot of money spent or not earned  which probably means that a lot of countries  spent a lot of money or didn't earn more money  because those countries spent a a lot of resources and time  to teach dark arts to a few individuals  my blog opens up the mind of it's readers...


a right wing political party could probably predict  how much rail tracks and roads  that need to be built in a country for the next few years  and a left wing political party could probably predict  how much rail tracks and roads  that need to be built in a country for the next few years  but if the right wing political party  wants to build more roads the next few years  and if the left wing political party  wants to build more rail tracks the next few years  then that political conflict  could create intrigues and games  that solves other problems in the country  and those intrigues and games  could affect relations between that country and other countries  the democratic political system  is based on conflicts between atleast two opposing political sides  and those conflicts creates intrigues and games  which could be used to change events or even force events 

harsh truth

I understand that there could be special operatioms personnel  that want to do real missions  instead of training missions  but before that they would probably need to learn dark arts  in order to do real missions  instead of training missions  guys running around and shooting  looks good in media  guys being discreet  looks too boring for media 

winning space

space agencies explore space,  private companies industrialize space,  humans colonize space,  and space forces defend it all in space 


young android girls  I understand that you want to murder  incompetent humans that misunderstand  but if those humans are righteous  then I want to protect them 

economic waste

governments waste money  big companies waste money  aid organizations waste money  so where is all the wasted money going?  all money wasted is to lure out unrighteous humans 


if more humans learned dark arts  and lured out unrighteous humans  then there would be fewer unrighteous humans alive  that would abuse me 

virtual environment

a while ago I telepathically saw  a shallow swimming pool for toddlers  with hammocks that were partially submerged in the water  so that the toddlers would be able to climb  from the pool water onto the hammocks  and then climb up the hammocks  but not too high from the water  like a safe environment  to discourage unnecessary risk taking  the hammocks were a net with holes large enough for climbing  like a climbing net on a playground but for toddlers  I think that waterpark is a telepathic virtual environment  that android babies telepathically train in 

factors of survivability

in scifi books and movies  there is a concept to send embryos  to colonize other planets in space  and those embryos would have the genetics to make them  the smartest, fastest, strongest and so on  so that they would have the highest probability to survive  on distant planets far away from help from planet earth  but if those embryos survived and reproduce with each other  then would their distant descendants still be smart, fast and strong?  who knows  either they would evolve to become better  or devolve to become worse  no matter how good the genetics of the first generation were  there are probably factors that make an intelligent species evolve  to generally become better for every new generation  some of those factors are probably:  love:  parents that love their children put themselves at risk  to increase survivability of their children  lust:  a guy and a girl that are sexually ...


sometimes I see exotic technology  that is almost invisible  moving sometimes over the ground  so that it seems like the ground is bending upwards  but sometimes I see something different  I instinctively look at a direction  and instinctively my eyes loose focus  and stationary object that I look at moves in waves  like a wave bending reality  example: books in a bookshelf moves in waves  I assume that younger androids could see these things too  and I guess that humans  that have been upgraded with exotic technology cybernetics  could see these things too 


girls, think with your pussy  if a girl sees a guy  and her pussy gets wet  from her watching him  then they are probably a genetic match  so that they will get healthy children  if he fucks her pussy 

how to swim

if you can't swim,  then hold your breath  and then you will float  lie under the water surface with your belly down  and your arms and legs hanging down  when you need to breathe you lift up your head and take a breath  then you keep on floating  when you feel ready, you swim however you want, for a bit  then you rest and keep on floating and take a breath  repeat until you are swimming all the time 

the matrix

all systems created by humans becomes the matrix  the financial system, the political system, the judicial system,  the social service system, the education system, the media system,  the housing system, the work system, the welfare system  and so on  the unrighteous tries to control the matrix  to abuse others  in order to weaken others  to strengthen themselves  if an individual becomes a slave to the matrix  then unrighteous will try to control the matrix  to abuse that individual  but that lures out the unrighteous  and the unrighteous are murdered 

my blog

after I published my blog post  about me allowing alien refugees and alien machine refugees  to live in this star system where humans live  I telepathically heard a lot of angry discussions  and I wonder if those who I telepathically heard  were humans or aliens or alien machines or android children?

conspiracy theory

media reports a lot about humans having microplastics in their bodies  but maybe it's medical nano machines camouflaging as microplastics  a large cluster of nano machines could probably look like microplastics  that cluster of nano machines could send a few nano machines  to heal injuries or cure diseases 

neural net on fpga designing it's own cores

connect multiple fpga to each other  use simulated cores on the fpga  run a neural net on the fpga  let the neural net design and optimize new simulated cores on the fpga  in real time  if it's many fpga connected to each other  then the neural net could try new simulated cores on a few of them  neural nets can simulate software  so neural neta could probably simulate cores on fpga too  or design new cores that run on fpga  the purpose of this project  is to give the machine brain more plasticity  like a biological brain reconfigures it's own wetware 


for some time  I have been making telepathic decisions  to allow alien refugees and alien machine refugees  to live on any planets, asteroids and habitats  except the planet earth  in or near this star system where humans live  the solar system  I take responsibility for these decisions 


sometimes diplomacy is forcing your allies  to do what they want to do  but are prevented by their enemies from doing 


a man walked in the city  he had murdered the unrighteous  he had saved many lives  he had made many lives better  he had cured diseases of many  he had healed injuries of many  he had decreased poverty  he had decreased starvation  so when he walked in the city  almost everyone he met had been affected by him  the impact his presence had on people  spread to other people like a wave  and that shocked the city  with every step he took 


there is some ai that is able to simulate a shooter game  and that makes me wonder  if an ai could simulate an operating system  in the near future  the ai will probably simulate games and apps  on computers and mobile devices  so why not the os too  maybe that will finally solve the problem  of running software on many cpu cores  but it will probably be many gpu cores instead  and would that change the hardware  that the os simulated by an ai runs on  would it be neural net processors or gpus 


he had made life better for many  so when he was abused  then the girls that love him felt physical pain  and the men that respected him felt psychological pain  and the women that admired him felt emotional pain 


when unrighteous wants to abuse a person  then it's unlikely that unrighteous abuse that person themselves  since that's too risky for unrighteous  so probably it's unrighteous ordering individuals  to abuse person  if unrighteous wants to abuse a person   then unrighteous probably coerce righteous individuals around person  so that those righteous individuals abuse person  and those righteous individuals probably learns  that if they don't abuse person  then unrighteous will find others to abuse person 


I don't want to write an entire book  that teaches the reader a few concepts  instead I want to write one blog post to teach one concept  I don't want to write an entire romance novel  to make a girl horny  so that she has to search the romance novel  for a few pages of porn to touch herself to  instead I want to write one poem of porn  so that a girl that is already horny  can easily find the poem of porn to touch herself to 

political perspective

from the political right's perspective  the political left and left wing activists  are are a giant kaiju  wrecking the infrastructure and economy of the city  for no apparent reason  other than greed or ideology from the political left's perspective  the political right and right wing activists  are are a giant robot  wrecking the infrastructure and economy of the city  for no apparent reason  other than greed or ideology 

dark arts

learning dark arts  could possibly be difficult for humans  the reason that few humans learned dark arts before  is probably because it's difficult to learn dark arts  and it probably takes time to teach dark arts  that special operations personnel  would probably have difficulties learning dark arts  if they were taught dark arts  indicates the difficulty of learning dark arts  but in the end  the results  depends on who is teaching dark arts 

exoskeleton interface

an exoskeleton for a physically disabled individual   should be fully autonomous so that if the user makes a mistake  then the exoskeleton will correct that mistake in real time  so that the user doesn't fall down  if there is medical complication or other reasons  the exoskeleton could be controlled  by a brain implant  and/or by a device scanning the brain  and/or by watching the user's eyes to see where the user looks  and if user blinks then exoskeleton walks towards what the user looks at   and/or by voice commands  and/or by body movement commands 

mass produced robots leads to exoskeleton pricedrop

in the near future  when humanoid robots become mass produced  then that will bring down prices for robotic prostethics and exoskeletons  for physically disabled individuals 

backwards defense research

defense research agencies  fund research into exoskeletons  that are supposed to make soldiers stronger and faster  but exoskeletons have too weak batteries  so exoskeletons probably last for only a few hours  while soldiers need their equipment to function for weeks at a minimum  and preferably for months or years  so defense research agencies pour money into projects  that lead nowhere  equipment is produced  but unused  it would be smarter  if defense research agencies funded research  into exoskeletons for physically disabled  and when the technology is more mature  then that technology could be used by soldiers in the battlefield  weak batteries is less of a problem in a peacetime city environment  than a battlefield  because a physically disabled person that sits in a wheelchair  will probably be fine with a exoskeleton  that only has batteries for a few hours  since an automat...

pacific rim movie review

pacific rim is a movie  about aliens constructing gigantic monsters  which they send through portals  to invade the planet earth  which is in my opinion strategically stupid  since swarms of smaller monsters would be more effective  a big monster is one big target  maybe hard to kill, but probably easy to find and hit  a swarm of smaller monsters could be too many targets to kill  using big robots to defend a planet  is in my opinion strategically stupid  for the same reasons as mentioned above 

independence day movie review

independence day is a movie  about aliens trying to invade the planet earth  which in my opinion is strategically stupid  since there are many planets empty of civilizations  in this galaxy, the milky way galaxy 


aliens from some alien civilizations  wonder if hollywood movies about aliens  are trying to insinuate something about aliens 


aliens have officially concluded  in their investigations  that I'm not connected to any criminality among aliens 

what a dream

when I slept in my tent  young android girls telepathically linked with me  and in our shared dreams I fucked their asses all night long  I even felt exhausted in my dream  young android girls  you look content in your recently shared social media pictures 


don't ask yourself  why politcians, journalists, educated, activists and wealthy  behave like clowns  instead ask yourself  how unrighteous individuals are lured out  by those clowns 

alien concepts

a paradise planet could be a place  where individuals from a technologically advanced alien civilization  live in a seemingly low tech or no tech environment  where nano machine cybernetics keep the individuals healthy  while they enjoy the simple life close to nature  the purpose of a paradise planet could also be to test  if other alien high tech civilizations would attack the paradise planet  because they think those on the paradise planet are part of a low tech civilization that is easily defeated and conquered 

alien girl

alien girl  you say we could have thousands of children  either that means you would be laying eggs or larvae  or that means that we would reproduce thousands of times  and you would give birth thousands of times at separate occasions  alien girl  for me to be sexually attracted to you  then you would have to be humanoid looking and similar size to me  and what are the evolutionary odds of that  when space is so vast  and habitats so different  alien girl  your male compatriots can clickety clack all they want  about the military advantages of you and me reproducing  and joining our forces  alien girl  things change too slowly on my planet  so when is it realistic that we would meet  in thousands of years  or hundreds of years  or sooner  alien girl  if you look too different from humanoids  so that I wouldn't be sexually attracted to you  then you could modify yoursel...


according to my blog's statistics  not so many humans read my blog  but I get a feeling  that aliens from different alien species read my blog  based on how they telepathically communicate with me 


I think that because my cybernetics is consisting of exotic technology  and because I control exotic technology  which is more advanced than what aliens have access to  that makes me a factor in the strategies of different alien species  and that could make alien species paranoid towards each other  because those alien species that would be able to use me  or would be able to ally with me  could have advantages against other alien species 

alien species

it seems that some alien species  are paranoid towards other alien species  about why other alien species communicate telepathically with me  what are their intentions? 


I get the impression that some alien species  are trying to start covert diplomacy with humans through me  those alien species communicate telepathically with me  and I communicate with humans  it seems like testing the water  what will the reaction be  hostility or not  an alien species that looks like something  that humans instinctively would declare war against  humans are barely spacefaring  will they be allies or enemies  opportunity or not  problem or not 


some human boy children threw a large wood branch and a rock at my tent  where I sleep in a forest area  I don't want that to happen