past human extinctions

if a human extinction event happens 
and surviving humans restart their civilizations 
then it's possible that those civilizations will be at a lower technological level than what is available 
in order to prevent too fast growth of populations 
and/or to use less access to advanced technologies 
as an evolutionary pressure 
in order to control human evolution 

the question is if such human extinctions and restarts have already happened multiple times 
in order to control human evolution 
and if that could have been hidden from official science 

if humans conquered parts of this galaxy long ago 
and possibly fought wars against aliens 
but extinction of humans happened on earth 
and humans restarted human civilizations on earth 
in order to control human evolution 
then that could explain why human DNA looks so engineered 
earth is probably the home planet of humans 
but maybe earth has become a breeding habitat 

maybe unrighteous humans have had their genetics manipulated 
so that they only gave birth to biological robots 
in order to prevent unrighteous humans from abusing others 

those scenarios could indicate that humans have been 
or still are a dominant species in atleast parts of this galaxy 
and it could indicate that there are caches of extremely advanced human technology spread throughout this galaxy 

but these are more likely future potential scenarios 
during extreme circumstances 


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