circle of life

if you have strange wounds on your skin in odd places 
that doesn't heal completely 
and worry about stuff you don't care about 
and strange pains in odd places in your body without any reason 
itching on weird places of your body and head without any reason 
and feeling hungry without any reason 
and feeling the need to shit or piss without any reason 
people and/or stuff distract you when you need not to be 
you drop stuff or are made to make mistakes 

that could indicate that unrighteous humans 
are abusing and/or torturing braindead meat puppets 
and you feel that mental, emotional and physical pain from that 
and get strange wounds from that 

if unrighteous humans are mentally and/or physically unable to 
abuse and/or torture braindead meat puppets 
then unrighteous humans use braindead meat puppets 
to abuse and/or torture other braindead meat puppets 


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