I think that around 123 yeara ago
unrighteous humans were genetically engineered
to give birth to unrighteous humans
that looked better
and became more competent to be used at work
and became more competent to be used in wars
and became more competent to function in society
unfourtunately that also made it more difficult to see which humans
are unrighteous
unrighteous humans that were genetically engineered to look better and become more competent
have used those better looks as camouflage to abuse others
and that increased competence to abuse others
that genetic engineering didn't change the core
of those unrighteous humans so they didn't become righteous
but it probably increased their survivability
and even if not many unrighteous humans were genetically engineered
they probably reproduced more
and that could explain why unrighteous humans continued to abuse others for so long time
I think that was a mistake
if unrighteous humans would have looked the same like before
and were incompetent like before
then that could have created conflicts in countries
but those conflicts would also have solved problems
I understand the economic arguments
but that was shortsighted
better to use genetic engineering and cybernetic engineering
to enhance righteous humans
that will give long term economic benefits
genetic engineering should not go against evolution
genetic engineering should go with evolution
and nature should be allowed to do it's thing
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