Many networks are based on families networked together working toward their own goals for generations.
These are the real power structures in society. Families preventing democracy by threatening to hurt politicians kids and by bribing people.
Intelligence and security agencies tolerate this because they cooperate with these networks.
A common method by networks is to find a kid with talent and influence it during it's life so that they can use that kid for power and influence during it's life.
One favorite usual method is threatening the mother that they will torture and kill her son if she does not abuse her own son sexually. Later on that son will focus his anger against his own family and can be easier controlled by the network. When he later in life learns the truth he can not kill his own mother as revenge since she was forced to torment him.
The networks make sure that the boy's family and others harrass him by placing their own network as neighbours and aquaintances to spy on the family. It is not unusual for different intelligence agencies to help with this process by providing wiretaps 24/7 365 on the boy and his family.
Later on the network try to keep control on the son who has become a man by making sure that ge meets a wife that they control. That wife may or may not be loyal to the network, but if she is not they will threaten to hurt her family. The most usual method applied is coercing the wife to be verbally abusive against her husband and refuse to have sex in a way that her husband enjoys. Almost always the wife is coerced to pretend to be unfaithful or even influenced to be unfaithful for real. Friends of the husband and wife are usually planted separatedly in the man and womans life in their early childhood. So that they trust their friends and tell them about their marital problems. These friends will often inform their network about information gained.
Later on if the man does not behave the network will make his private life unbearable by making sure that a divorce happens and that the man loses his kid.
Social services are a favorite tool for these networks since they prefer soft power. Personell in social services are almost always people placed by these networks.
If a normal person gets a job in a social service they will be socially isolated and later loise their job or be recruited. This is how many networks do in many private companies and bureucracies.
Later on the network will prevent the man from meeting some nice girl by using friends and other people nearby to indirectly influence nice girls to stay away from the man. Or if need be just try to directly prevent the man from succeding when he is flirting with a girl.
These networks have been doing this for many generations. That is why they are so comfortable and practised in these methods. And they will continue to this since it is a family business. The only way to stop this is obvious, but most countries are too bleeding heart.
Some of these networks and their behaviour is the real threat to democracy.
Different intelligence agencies are tiring of this and will terminate some of these networks that behave or have behaved disgustingly.
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