age of consent

many countries have a high age of consent 
such as 15 or 18 years as age of consent 
because it's difficult for a man to see 
if a 18 year old girl is 18 or 25 
and sometimes it's difficult for a man to see 
if a 15 year old girl is 15 or 25 
depending on how fast the girl has developed physically 

this is because when the security services wants to trap a man 
and the age of consent is 18 
then they will use a girl that looks like she is 18 years old 
as bait to trap a man 
because he sees that she looks like 18 
so he thinks that he will be able to defend himself 
by saying that she looks like she is 18 years old 

but if the age of consent is 18 years 
and the girl is 10 year old 
then it's obvious that she is a child girl 
and it would be difficult for the security services 
to use her as bait to trap a man 
because he can see that she looks younger than 18 
so he thinks that he will not be able to defend himself 
by saying that she looks like she is 18 years old 

so my conclusion is that countries have a high age of consent 
not to protect girls 
but instead to make it easier to trap men 


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