economic warfare

according to media 
usa is implementing a lot of trade tariffs against china 
that restricts flow of asian products to usa 

that indicates that the civil war in usa 
that started with free trade 
is dying out 

so usa has officially fired the first shots in a trade war with china 
and asian companies immediately bent to the will of usa 
so that usa has already won that war 

nowadays china is dominated by chinese companies 
which use american technology and american business know how 
wrapped in chinese paper 

usa has used the republican party and the democratic party 
as tools to implement free trade 
and now usa will use the republican party and the democratic party 
as tools to restrict free trade 

when usa has achieved it's goals 
then usa will probably normalize it's trade with other countries 

free trade enabled usa to reshape china and the rest of the world 
as usa reshaped europe after world war 2 


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