processor factories

nvidia made some money from selling gpus 
to personal computers and gaming market 

and nvidia made a lot of money from designing and selling gpus 
to datacenters and supercomputers market 
with all that money nvidia tried to buy arm 
which failed because regulators probably didn't like that 

if the economies develop more in latin america, africa and western asia 
then the demand for cpus and gpus and other processors will increase 

so will tsmc be able to produce enough gpus for nvidia 
or should nvidia invest all that money that they got 
and build their own processor factories 

if processor markets increase in latin america, africa and western asia 
then more processor fatories need to be built 
so buying existing companies with processor factories is not enough 

amd which designs cpus and gpus had their own processor factories 
but amd sold those processor factories 
probably because amd needed money from too little profits at that time 


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