evolution of organizations

an organization could have a mindset 
that most of the personnel in the organization has 
if the mindset is correct, then the entire organization could succeed 
if the mindset is incorrect, then the entire organization could fail 

for an organization to have different mindsets 
then the organization could divide itself into independent sections 
that do different tasks 
and/or the organization could have contracting companies 
that do different tasks 

an organization that divide itself into independent sections 
always risk loosing the different mindsets of those independent sections 
because an organization tends to require that independent sections become the same as the main organization 
more and more as time passes 

these behaviours form 
how both big companies and government bureaucracies 

which is probably some of the reasons 
as complexity increases in big companies 
that increases the use of contractors 

and which is probably some of the reasons 
as complexity increases in government bureaucracies 
that increases privatization 

these tendencies 
probably explains the increase of privatization 
in government bureaucracies 


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