abused and tortured almost every day and night

if a human with mental disabilities is sensitive 
to sound, smell and visual stimuli 
and another human is aggressive because of sexual traumatization 
and another human feels physical pain from injury and/or disease 

then I'm able to make my cybernetic brain have those weaknesses 
so that I become sensitive to different types of stimuli 
and I become sensitive to some experiences 
and I unnecessarily feel pain in my body from my cybernetic upgrades 
and I had disgusting traumatizing nightmares when I slept 
and that enables me to develop cybernetic upgrades 
that could partly cure those with mental disabilities or traumatic experiences and pain from injury and/or disease 

and if different individuals and interests 
wants to abuse and/or torture some individuals 
then I can control situations so that I'm abused and tortured instead 

and when my cybernetic brain has the disability weaknesses, traumatization weaknesses and pain weakness activated 
then I'm easily abused and tortured by seemingly regular things 
like sounds, smells, visual stimuli and experiences 
by people around me who probably mean no harm 
and/or don't even know what's going on 

and those guilty of intentionally trying to abuse and torture are found 


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