viability of plastic for producing computer chips

I'm interested in using plastic as a material to build computer chips 
because plastic is made of carbon atoms and other atoms 
and carbon atoms could be used 
to construct carbon nanotubes, graphene and so on 
inside or as a part of plastic 

example is carbon nanotube structures as a part of the plastic material 

computer chips could probably be made 
only consisting of carbon nanotubes 
but that would be expensive 

so if many parts of the computer chip is made of plastic 
and the transistors are made of carbon nanotubes 
then that would probably be cheaper 

but in the future when production has become better and has scaled up 
then production of carbon nanotubes will probably become cheaper 
so then more parts of the computer chips could be made of carbon nanotubes 

carbon atoms could be extracted from wood, oil, waste and so on 
so there are already existing industies ready to sell the raw materials 


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