
if possible
molecular machines could be used as components inside a battery 
and relatively small amounts of energy 
such as electricity, light, heat, vibration or radio 
could be used to communicate with molecular machines 
telling them to release electrons or collect electrons 
preferably, the battery would consist of only molecular machines 

next step 
would be to use nano machines as components inside a battery 
and relatively small amounts of energy 
such as electricity, light, heat, vibration or radio 
could be used to communicate with nano machines 
telling them to release electrons or collect electrons 
preferably, the battery would consist of only nano machines 

possibly, imagine it as a molecular machine or nano machine 
changing from being an anode 
to becoming a cathode 
to becoming electrically neutral 

molecular machines or nano machines 
could be used to make various technologies better 
such as: 
energy production 
electricity wires 
heating technologies 
cooling technologies 
computer components 


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