highway in space
a maglev track could be built in space relatively near earth
that accelerates a rocket towards mars
the maglev track could be stabilized after each launch
with thrusters built into the outside of the maglev track
the maglev track could be powered with solar panels
that store energy in batteries
maglev tracks use superconductors
the superconductors would be cooled by the cold temperature of space
which would enable new design decisions that are not practical on earth
there is no air resistance in space, obviously
which enables the maglev track to use extremely high acceleration
and which enables the rockets to be much thicker and wider
than the maglev track
high acceleration would be lethal to humans
so rockets carrying humans would need to have lower acceleration
when accelerated by maglev track
while the maglev track could accelerate autonomous cargo rockets
and autonomous rockets carrying robots
at a higher acceleration which would enable the autonomous rockets to travel at a higher speed
the maglev track would have to be relatively long
to accelerate rocket to sufficiently high speed
to make the travel from earth to mars quick
which would make the maglev track expensive
the maglev track could also accelerate rockets toward incoming asteroids
the rockets would land on asteroid and use rocket engines to push asteroid into a new path
this functionality would enable the project to get funding from militaries
and/or possibly from a global asteroid defense effort
a maglev track on the moon accelerating rockets
towards mars or the asteroid belt could be a sensible start
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