ugly on the inside

unrighteous humans don't have free will 
a unrighteous human's brain is just a set of functions 
be nice - get food 
work - get money 
give present - reproduce 

an insect can do complex tasks with a very small brain 
an ant can navigate nature and collect food 

unrighteous humans don't have a free flow of thoughts 
unrighteous humans don't think about what they want to do 
unrighteous humans react to stimuli 
hungry - try to eat 
horny - try to reproduce 

unrighteous humans are effective at abusing righteous humans 
because a unrighteous human has abusive behaviour as a set of functions in it's brain 

unrighteous humans want to prevent righteous humans from reproducing

older women prevent younger women from reproducing with righteous man 
righteous man becomes broken because he fails to reproduce with younger women 
older woman is too old to become pregnant 
older woman has sex with righteous man 
righteous man doesn't reproduce 

it's a simple strategy: 
distract opponent 
overwhelm opponent 
prevent opponent from succeeding 
give opponent option that will lead to failure 


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