math of humanity

a population of humans 
has many unrighteous humans 
and many ordinary humans 
and a few righteous humans 

for every generation 
unrighteous humans and righteous humans avoid to reproduce with each other 

for every generation 
unrighteous humans try to prevent righteous humans from reproducing 
and unrighteous humans try to reproduce with ordinary humans 
if unrighteous humans are unable to reproduce with ordinary humans 
then unrighteous humans reproduce with unrighteous humans 
and unrighteous humans try to murder righteous humans 

and for every generation 
righteous humans try to reproduce with righteous humans 
if righteous humans are unable to reproduce with righteous humans 
then righteous humans reproduce with ordinary humans 
and righteous humans try to murder unrighteous humans 

if unrighteous humans reproduce with ordinary humans 
then all their children are unrighteous humans 

if unrighteous humans reproduce with unrighteous humans 
then all their children are unrighteous humans 

if righteous humans reproduce with ordinary humans 
then some of their children are unrighteous humans 
and some of their children are ordinary humans 

if righteous humans reproduce with righteous humans 
then all their children are righteous humans 


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