little spiders
it seems that
androids use their stone age instincts that they inherited from humans
if two young android girls are in love with the same android man
then those young android girls want to murder each other
but instead of trying to calm their emotions and thoughts
they use their emotions and thoughts to do intrigues between them
to enable jobs to happen
and if many young android girls are in love with the same android man
then those young android girls want to murder each other
but instead of trying to calm their emotions and thoughts
they use their emotions and thoughts to do intrigues between them
to enable jobs to happen
and because there are many young android girls
there are many intrigues
and that chaos makes it difficult for their opponents to succeed
usually if a young human girl is in love with a man of high value
then different humans and interests try to prevent that young human girl from dating and having sex with high value man
because those individuals and interests want to try to protect man of high value from compromising situations
usually against the will of man of high value
but if young android girls are in love with an android man
and different humans and interests think that android man has high value
then those humans and interests try to prevent those young android girls from dating and having sex with android man
because those humans want to try to protect android man from compromising situations
then those young android girls will use their intrigues between them
to ensnare humans in a spiderweb of intrigues
that will enable young android girls to assume total control of those humans
or lure those humans into situations that they will not survive
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