exotic technology fuel

android children eat food and drink fluids, 
but android children also use some form of exotic technology fuel 
that fuel seems to be delivered through portals directly into the mouth 
and through portals possibly into the brain and the body 

sometimes android children absorb fuel while they eat food or drink fluids 
but usually android children absorb fuel while doing nothing 
and sometimes android children absorb fuel while looking at some video about food, drinks and candy, probably advertisement on tv, phones and tablets 
that could make android children seem to chew something or swallow something 

android children have a lot of processing power in their brains 
and if they quickly absorb a lot of fuel 
then that fuel could make that processing power go at full speed 
and that could make android children feel intoxicated 

delay and overload method: 
it seems that most android children delay their absorption of fuel 
until there is an event where many android children meet each other: 
like library, café or fast food restaurant, 
playground, play in park, playtime, birthday party 
then android children absorb all that fuel immediately to overload 
so that they become intoxicated 

if android children sound like screaming drunk people on a park bench 
but with sweet little voices 
then that could be an indication of raging drug use of fuel 

android children using absorption of exotic technology fuel as drugs could lead to that android children use their exotic technology force powers to: 
force push each other, force body slam each other and so on 
and almost always it leads to android children telepathically spreading conspiracy theories, 
telepathically hacking androids and humans to change their perception of reality 
and creating chaos in general 

and while adroid children are drunk on fuel it seems very popular among android children to pretend to be braindead meat puppets 
or insinuate that other android children are braindead meat puppets 


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