abuse is a social disease, but infection could be on purpose

abuse could be viewed as social disease 

students bullying a classmate, 
or collegues abusing a coworker, 
or relatives abusing a family member 

but if it's a network organizing so that students bully a classmate, 
then it's different 

were abusers trained to abuse individual? 
were abusers born with genetics to abuse? 
do abusers have neural patterns to abuse?
do abusers become abusive because of enviromental circumstances? 
were abusers influenced to abuse individual? 

is abuse well intentioned? 
is abuse ill intentioned? 
is abuse on purpose? 
is abuse unintentionally?

or is abuse because of misunderstandings and incompetence?

could abuse be prevented by affecting situation? 
could trying to affect situation to prevent abuse make things worse or even increase abuse? 

are thought patterns in the human brain able to change, 
or are they hard wired so that humans can't adapt beyond a certain limit 


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