implementing distributed production in defense industry

defense industry needs to implement the pc component model 
defense company in usa develops technology and licences technology to defense company in europe which produces technology 
other defense company in europe buys produced technology and assembles defense product 

example: american defense company a develops engine and licences engine to european defense company b which produces engines and sells engines to european defense company c which uses engines as components to assemble vehicles 

this way defense industry can become more distributed and discrete in europe and it will become easier to deny origin of product if many smaller defense companies assembles defense products, 

and with these concepts and strategies, different defense industries can develop and grow in latin america, africa, middle east and asia 

in the same way that there are a few component producers like intel, amd, arm, nvidia, seagate in the pc industry, 
but many big company pc assemblers, like dell, lenovo, acer and extremely many small company pc assemblers, like online shops and retail shops 


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