remove kindergarten, schools and education, give food and homes to those in need

kindergartens, schools, education is financially expensive 
this is the reason every human in a population consumes more welfare money than pays in taxes, except for very financially wealthy humans 

men and women go to kindergarten, school and other education during their lives, that cost a lot of tax payer money. more than those men and women will ever pay in taxes, unless they are very rich 

if more jobs are outsourced to other countries 
if other countries export more so jobs are lost at home 
if jobs are lost because of automation 
how will humans adapt? 

end all kindergartens, end all schools, end all education, 
only keep healthcare and let the private sector financially fund the education of doctors and nurses among those humans that show talent for those jobs
humans can educate themselves online through internet 
companies can privately educate humans that companies want to hire 

this will lead to a society where:  
mothers are home with kids while father work 
father is home with kids wile mother works, 
probably it will be sometimes fathers working when there are enough jobs for fathers 
and sometimes mothers working when there are enough jobs for mothers 

in todays society if only one parent work, the other parent is considered a failure because the non working parent is not taking care of kids since kids are in kindergarten or school other education

ending kindergarten, schools and all education will decrease welfare expenses extremely much and saved tax money saved can be invested in welfare that gives food and homes to those that need it, which is real welfare

education will become more efficient through internet anyway 
city planning will change to make it easier for parents with their children to meet in outdoor and indoor parks where their children can play and learn 

values in society will change anyway so that both parents will compete with each other who can spend more time with the children instead of working


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