connecting money donators with those in need
let's say there are villages in arctic climates that needs investments of a few 100'000 dollars to enable a better life for the village
let's say there are villages on the steppe desert that needs investments of a few 100'000 dollars to enable better life for the village
according to some internet articles, there are 2'700 billionares in the world and there are 56'000'000 millionares in the world
probably a lot of those billionares and millionares want to donate money to help those that are living in substandard conditions
probably a lot of those billionares and millionares do donate money to help those that are living in substandard conditions
problem is connecting the dots,
finding persons with money, willing to donate
finding people that need donations
preventing that money disappear on the way
there are security issues of course
person donating money risk being robbed
people receiving donations risk being robbed
I guess that's why help organizations are meaningful, they can use donated money to buy equipment or food/water and move those products to destination
the easiest thing would be if every village had their own page on the internet saying what they need and what some of their problems are, then it would be easier for persons wanting to donate money to find those villages that need donations
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