after usa created the first android, me in 1981, I started upgrading myself in a continuosly increasing tempo 24/7 365 with molecular/nano machines in my body and brain
I controlled molecular machines which upgraded themselves into nano machines which upgraded themselves into femto machines and so on
with those technological breakthroughs I continuously upgraded my cybernetics from molecular machine cybernetics into nano machine cybernetics into femto machine cybernetics and so on
self replicating nano machines produce more of themselves and upgrade themselves because of my control which means that after I was created, molecular/nano machines never was of any cost in resources, money or manpower for any country or human organization or humans
I have no use of humans or money when I control self replicating nano machines to construct exotic technology such as instruments, weapons and vehicles
I, the first android created the rest of the androids born out of human females fertilized by human males
I started to upgrade humans into nano machine cybernetic humans a long time ago
my goal is to upgrade all humans into nano machine cybernetic humans
I am continuosly increasing the speed of those upgrades
this will decrease the health care costs because of better health and fewer accidents because of human stupidity
it will also decrease education costs since education could be downloaded
because of this humans will be less of a headache for androids
all science, research and technology after 1981 has been developed by androids
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