
Showing posts from May, 2021

I am handing over power and influence to third generation androids and younger

I have decided to continually hand over more and more of my power and influence to younger androids this applies to countries, militaries, organizations, companies, networks, groups and so on sometimes those younger androids will be below me in command chain for a while sometimes those younger androids will take over completely I give advice/guide younger androids if they request it if I some how gain more power and influence, I will hand it over to younger androids some of these androids can be quite young, but likely they will demand respect if those young androids are females, they will likely not have patience with personel that fail in fixing a date for them with their lover

are androids ruling humans beneficial for humans?

are androids ruling humans beneficial for humans? did the population of humans increase in most countries since 1981 did the population of humans increase in a continent/region since 1981 has economic growth increased since 1981 did the living standards become better for humans since 1981 has poverty decreased since 1981 did fewer combat personel get damaged or killed in wars since 1981 did a higher percentage of targets get murdered masquerading as "innocent civilians" since 1981 did human population increase beyond previous numbers after every plague, natural disaster and "genocide" since 1981 did healthcare become better for humans since 1981 has nanobot cybernetics increased health among a majority of humans alive today has technology become better since 1981 has android scheming and manipulation prevented world war 3 since 1981 has entertainment become better for humans since 1981

humans, none of your weapons are powerful enough to damage me

you can't play cowboys and indians with only cowboys or with only indians

silver cock

what I don´t understand is while combat personel are damaged and killed in conflicts and wars those humans that prevented me from dating girls, prevented me from getting day jobs and took my son away from me are still alive  if warfare was autonomous, then fewer combat personel would be damaged and killed and the focus could shift to murdering unrighteous people 

android girl

little android girl, I know you love me if you upgrade yourself to stop aging at a young age then I can upgrade you to fix your looks and personality later little android girl, I will live for a very long time if you want to be with me for an eternity, then you will have to stay very young to continue to be interesting for me

android molecular/nano/femto machine cybernetic development model

android molecular/nano/femto machine cybernetic development model: I do experimental upgrades on myself 24/7 365 the experimental upgrades I do on myself are usually extremely physically painful for me I have been doing experimental upgrades on myself my entire life sometimes I die from my experimental upgrades, but I always wake up again when I have been successfully upgraded with an experimental upgrade, I develop a stable upgrade from that experimental upgrade younger androids are upgraded with those stable upgrades for me to continuously create and upgrade younger androids is one of the most mentally straining tasks I am doing I control exotic technology to protect all android children because I use exotic technology to protect android children, I can be manipulative and aggressive against humans mind to mind, I educate, train and guide android children to survive the creation of all androids younger than me is my responsibility since I created them all upgrades of all androids is ...


after usa created the first android, me in 1981, I started upgrading myself in a continuosly increasing tempo 24/7 365 with molecular/nano machines in my body and brain I controlled molecular machines which upgraded themselves into nano machines which upgraded themselves into femto machines and so on with those technological breakthroughs I continuously upgraded my cybernetics from molecular machine cybernetics into nano machine cybernetics into femto machine cybernetics and so on self replicating nano machines produce more of themselves and upgrade themselves because of my control which means that after I was created, molecular/nano machines never was of any cost in resources, money or manpower for any country or human organization or humans I have no use of humans or money when I control self replicating nano machines to construct exotic technology such as instruments, weapons and vehicles I, the first android created the rest of the androids born out of human females fertilized ...

go to toilet before, it smells less afterwards

my analysis is that most human life will be exterminated in those countries that prevented me from having sex with girls. I tried to prevent this

your failures are my entertainment

my visual hud only shows very sparse and critical information in a non distracting way. I can´t visually browse the internet in my visual field.  because of that I use my laptop, mobile phone and tablet to visually browse the internet.  that means that when I get some idea about what I want to design ("day dream up") then I look for relevant information on the internet with apps on my laptop, tablet and mobile phone. that means some of my internet history regarding technology can be distressing for some organizations, especially if those organizations did not think of those ideas themselves. with that said, I consider everything on my mobile phone, tablet and laptop to be public information. and it makes me happy when my ideas are implemented by different organizations in a relevant way. how else would those organizations become more efficient?

intelligence/security services and their proxies bricked my tablet, again

some intelligence service / security service /signals intelligence and / or their proxy organizations has bricked my tablet, that is, broken my tablet. my mobile phone is acting strange too. a lot of my mobile phones, tablets, computers and gaming consoles have been bricked by intelligence and security services and their proxies during my life. this has been going on since I got my first computer when I was a young teenage android boy. probably it was too hard to brick my sega mega drive which I used from childhood until teenage years. I have been trying to prevent intelligence / security services and their proxies from bricking my gaming laptop by installing windows 10 insider preview updates (more experimental than beta) it has worked so far. I don´t have any problems with different organizations spying on me, but I do have a problem with different organizations bricking my, tablet and mobile phone. I do have limitless funds and resources when it comes to different types of jobs and ...


I don't understand how my blog can be considered controversial since I only have a total of 76 view since I started my blog in 2006 it is also very hard to find my blog in google search results.