treason through ineptitude

I'm going to try to explain how pathetic humans in intelligence/security/military are:
since I am the first android, all that intel/sec/mil had to do was give me a girl to impregnate and she would give birth to an android son.
instead intel/sec/mil prevented me from having sex with attractive girls.

if different countries would have given me many girls to impregnate in the late 90's or early 00's then those countries would have a massive strategic advantage today.

by the way, it is obvious that usa created the first android, no other country would have the financial resources to covertly produce that type of technology.
that some countries believe that aliens created androids is just silly.

if usa created the first android, then it is understandable that the us military feels hatred towards eu, since it was on eu territory that the first android and his android son was abused by the enemies and allies of usa.


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