first android

I was born in 1981 as an android with a cybernetic brain and cybernetic body. 
technology: likely self replicating micro robots, or self replicating molecular robots, I used my cybernetic brain to design my own upgrades, I used the self replicating molecular robots inside me to produce my upgrades.
I have been upgrading myself non stop since I was in the womb.
around the time when I was born, I produced and spread self replicating molecular robots everywhere on this planet in order to protect myself. 
that technology has also been continually upgraded by my cybernetic brain.

this strategy is very effective.

the technology I am made of, I refer to as exotic technology.
the technology that most humans use for warfare, I refer to as primitive technology.

likely a very rich and technologically advanced country created the technology I was made with.

those that created the technology I was made with are very irritated that humans have abused me my entire life, that is why they tolerate that I blog about this.
I am obviously stronger than those that created the technology I was made with and I could ignore them, but I do respect them for creating the technology I was made with.

some texts on this blog could be an effort to reason with humans.
I am continually increasing the amount of exotic technoloy in space.
this will likely protect my habitat.


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