nano machines for dummies

theoretical possibilities of nano machines.

when nano robots place themselves in neurons they can access the creative compute capacity of the subconsciousness. the nanobots can spread in the rest of the body's cells to increase raw compute capacity.
nanobots can perform experiments in different parts of the body to test what has been simulated by the creative compute capacity. these tests can also be accomplished outside the body in plants and animals.
experiments to build more advanced nanobots can occur inside or outside the body.
experiments to build advanced systems based on nanobots can occur in atmosphere. sensitive and bleeding edge experiments based on nanobots can occur in space.

this process could in theory have started with programmable molecular machines.
when sufficient amounts of programmable molecular machines had spread in the neurons, the subconsciousness used those molecular machines to build nano machines which partly replaced the old molecular machines. 
this proccess likely repeated itself until every neuron was full of nano machines.
likely the gut was used as a testing ground because it is easy to flush out an experiment gone wrong.

because of the influence the subconscious mind has over nano machines, the personality of the consciousness could be critical. aggression is a very important personality trait to endure the mental, emotional and physical strain.

when a single mind infused with nanobots can control nanobots in atmosphere and in space, then the mental strain could increase and the conscious mind could suffer from inability to focus on homework from school and intrigues from classmates and teachers.

femto robots are of course another step, which could in theory make a person almost indestructible. 
femto robots leads to technology that can protect the planet from incoming asteroids and worse.

this is considered sensitive by those not in the know.


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