
Showing posts from November, 2020

cybernetic black panther

I miss you, cybernetic black panther  you were a true friend telepathically when I was an android boy  and when you died  then I cried for you  human girls used that against me  trying to manipulate me  your instincts were right  offense is the best defense 

regional stability

will Iran join the future arab union or the future asian union?

modern empire 2

traditionally if a country was hammered in war, they expected to be ruled by the conqueror or atleast be swallowed into the conqueror's empire. but nowadays after a country is taken by force, they are offered trade agreements and subsidies. which is boring, if they could not defend themselves, how would they rule themselves? that is why so many countries are excited by the fact that usa and russia are ruled by a covert dictator, it would mean that they too could be ruled by this hidden ruler. in the same way a woman expects to be married after all her holes have been violated.

nano machines for dummies

theoretical possibilities of nano machines. when nano robots place themselves in neurons they can access the creative compute capacity of the subconsciousness. the nanobots can spread in the rest of the body's cells to increase raw compute capacity. nanobots can perform experiments in different parts of the body to test what has been simulated by the creative compute capacity. these tests can also be accomplished outside the body in plants and animals. experiments to build more advanced nanobots can occur inside or outside the body. experiments to build advanced systems based on nanobots can occur in atmosphere. sensitive and bleeding edge experiments based on nanobots can occur in space. this process could in theory have started with programmable molecular machines. when sufficient amounts of programmable molecular machines had spread in the neurons, the subconsciousness used those molecular machines to build nano machines which partly replaced the old molecular machines.  this pr...

modern empire

in the good old days a conqueror could take over many countries and create an official empire. in modern times, this is frowned upon and a conquereor could in theory take over many countries and rule them covertly and each country would know they had an unofficial ruler, but they would not know they had the same ruler as their allies and even enemies. small wars would be allowed because sometimes some conflicts will happen sooner or later, no matter what you do. which makes it better to start the war and let the conflict burn out quickly if possible. the positive about this would be increased regional stability. the negative would be butthurt generals and "leaders" who were not in the know. a very likely problem would be when the knights try to murder/kidnap/recruit the enemy king and suddenly discover that the enemy king is also their own king. either way, might makes right.