
some people are of the opinion that because I guided some events in my favour it is my own fault that people abused me when I was a kid, teen and adult.
when someone started to abuse me, instead of fighting the abuser directly, I manipulated the events so that different jobs coincided with the demise of those that organized the abusers.
the abusers seems to have gotten away with their behaviour. unrighteous people protect each other.

I did jobs for different people and groups since I was a kid since it increased the chances of my own survival and the survival of those that I wanted to keep alive for the time being.

when a person prevented me from starting to date a girl, I did not fight it. I let the scenario play out.
problem is next time I met saw a girl that interested me, the same or some other person prevented me from dating that girl.

when I was in my 20s I was refused day jobs while it seemed that other people my own age easily found day jobs.
later in my 30s when I found day jobs, I always got the most boring and monotonous assignments.

the social services and the justice system took custody of my son away from me and gave it to my ex wife.
my son told me disturbing stuff about my ex wife, which I reported to the social services and they ignored it.
the social services should have eplained to me that someone could have coached my soon into saying stuff about his mother.
the social services explained nothing to me which led me to worry about my son´s wellbeing everytime he was with his mother and her friends an relatives.

it has been insinuated to me that different people and groups have claimed that they gave me girls to date and have sex with. those claims are false.

I was socially isolated during my adult life, prevented from meeting new friends. If I socialised with someone at an education or day job, they always avoided from meeting me socially outside of studies / day jobs.


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