Switching around.

If Google changes the innards of android and chrome os from Linux to Fuchsia. And if they can do it while supporting legacy apps then I guess they could ask intel to manufacture a custom ARM or RISC-V cpu for their data centers. Or maybe just RISC-V for low end mobile phones and smartwatches.
If they succeed in this, then Microsoft could follow suit and ask Intel for a similar cpu for laptop and desktop computers. 
Would it be possible for Intel to do a multicore cpu with a new isa where some of the cores would run X86 apps by something similar to FPGA/VLIW/software magic?
Apple seems more used to the idea of stopping support for legacy hardware. Switching from POWER to X86 to ARM.

Or maybe if Google, Amazon, Microsoft and government agencies switched from X86 to RISC-V in their data centers.
And Samsung, Huawei and others switched from ARM to RISC-V on their mobile phones and tablets. 
Then it would be easy enough for Microsoft to switch Windows from X86 to RISC-V

Most likely though is that everything just continues as usual until som radical new hardware and software enters the civilian marketplace.


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