Russian headache

In my opinion, the obvious has to be said for progress to be achieved.

That the west has taken military control over western europe through NATO seems problematic for Russia. But the alternative after the Soviet Union collapse is that eastern europe would be in a power vacuum with no military strength to dominate it. This would be distressing for both american and european military leadership. But it would also be distressing for russian military leadership.
Atleast now the russians know that someone has military control over eastern europe if not the russian instinct would be to expand westwards until it met credible resistance. This is what Russia always has done in order to survive. And it has worked out pretty good so far.

The strength of Russia is that it can go all in when needed. Shown in different big wars.
The weakness of Russia is that it is slow to improvise with different strategies in different regions which is why it seems to miss opportunities all the time. This is likely a frustration for most countries surrounding Russia. If someone presents a good business idea to Russia, the russian military/security says no because they are in defensive mode because of NATOs expansion and Chinas increasing dominance.

What Russia needs is to increase trade between St Petersburg and EU and at the same time deepen the trade between Vladivostok and China.
Here comes the hard part: Russia will have to do this while they at the same time continues with their military ambitions.
If Russia is smart they would not allow their military ambitions to block or slow down their economical trade ambitions.

If Russia wants to be able to keep up with the west in regards to weapons development they have no choice, they have to start research and development and production of military weapon systems in partnership with China.
That means russian military R&D and production in China.
And it means chinese R&D and possibly production in Russia.
This will of course never happen, it´s too radical.
I´m not even sure that USA has military R&D in EU, even less military production.

It´s embarrassing that the americans and europeans tries to pretend that their military weapons technology is a lot worse than it really is. The west does this to calm down Russia and China.

Russia and China should build a civilian Silicon Valley in China. I´m sure the russians dream of a silicon valley in Moscow, but it is too far away from europe. While St Petersburg is close enough to europe, but the EU will never have a deep technological partnership with Russia from obvious military reasons.
Grow the fuck up. Some european countries are known for their ability to sweet talk. The russian leadership is too easily charmed, like their women.
A russian and chinese joint investment in building a their own silicon valley in China would mean moving russian companies, R&D and production,  personel and students close to chinese companies, R&D and production, personel and students already in place.
This would also need that all branches of the russian and chines governments would have to actively and continuously support this project for atleat 50 years time.
This obviously means that no matter what the russian and chinese leadership would have to reach some informal agreement not to start a big war with each other for 100 years.

This means if there is a conflict between Russia and China because of some murder that some naughty operator has committed, the leadership will have to remain calm and just accept the fact that some operators in the intelligence and security services will have to play rough sometimes. It´s either that or an escalating conflict.

A russian chinese silcon valley in China will happen sooner or later, but I´m worried the russian and chinese leadership will dither about for decades to come.

If chinese companies based in St Petersburg were allowed to reach the european market, then

Russia has become a bit more fast and flexible, but it takes too long time.


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