Sometimes some agencies are so incompetent that they can't acces their old files they got stashed away somewhere. If you are bored, the best way to have some fun is to walk around in odd places at odd hours. It won't take long before some security service takes an interest and start to move around in obvious ways. Second step is to write some comments relating to security on the internet and write some odd documents about strategy that you save on your device and upload to the cloud. If you don't know what to write, just look at some youtube videos about politics, strategy and security. Try to write the opposite: if media says NATO needs to expand, write that they should not. If media says there is a potential for conflict between Russia and China, write that Russia is no threat to China. If media says China is a threat to USA, write that the silk road is a good idea. Buy odd e-books online. Make politically incorrect jokes to people you meet, but don't be rude, be in...