
Showing posts from April, 2023


I was listening to a phycisist's podcast  from what I understood  he explained that there could be other universes existing out in the unknown outside our universe  I think that seems sensible  but I don't believe that there are parallel realities of our own reality  that is often explained in comic books and scifi movies  where copies of ourselves live in so called parallel universes  there are are stars, planets and moons in star systems  there are many star systems in our galaxy  there are many galaxies in our universe  so why wouldn't there be many universes in the unknown outside our universe 

street dictionary

fake boyfriend - a guy that a girl is together with, but she doesn't have sex with him  hobo phone - telephone with no cellular, only wifi for public wifi, fast food wifi, café wifi and library wifi 

is the grass greener on the other side?

if sheep in one farm  are in conflict against sheep in another farm  and because of that  sheep in one farm are hiding behind a wolf  that says a lot about the situation 

unwritten relationship advice

if most of the time boyfriend listens to music or podcasts with his headset  and only looks at his girlfriend  if that communication works better  and makes boyfriend's and girlfriend's relationship better  that doesn't mean that girlfriend want her boyfriend to ignore her when she is talking  it just means that she want their communication to function  example:  if boyfriend think that girlfriend look angry  and boyfriend ask girlfriend if she is angry  then that just leads to conflict  but if boyfriend doesn't say anything  and instead takes the trash out  then girlfriend gets a few moments alone  enough time to calm down  there is a time for talking  and there is a time for watching 

dark waters

divers went into the water  piranhas were dipersed and not swarming  divers thought piranhas looked small and harmless  shark was gliding slowly  divers thought shark seemed young and inexperienced 

learning old concepts could develop understanding of new concepts

a kid doesn't know how to ride a bicycle  kid sits on a park bench  and a person riding a bicycle drives past  kid opens a picture book about bicycles  kid learns concept about how bicycle pedals propel bicycle wheels  kid learns concept about how bicycle brakes work  kid learns concept about how bicycle steering work  kid understands the concept how to ride a bicycle  by learning three concepts  kid understands fourth concept  because brain combines concepts into a new understanding  when kid tries to ride a bicycle  then it's brain learning to control muscles in new ways  and that is instinctual actions 

facebook dump
