
Showing posts from December, 2021

unrighteous humans plans against android kid girls

unrighteous humans plan to socially isolate android kid girls to gain social dominance over those android kid girls. afterwards when android kid girls are young adults, unrighteous humans will try to socially pressure android girls to get pregnant with unrighteous humans. better I blog about this since mentioning this close to a mobile phone might not be enough, since unrighteous humans might have sigint support or capabilities equivalent to sigint tech and resources. 

how to decrease amount of soldier deaths and soldier injuries

how to decrease amount of soldier deaths and soldier injuries: produce autonomous weapons that are vastly superior to human soldiers so that human soldiers become completely unnecessary in conflicts and wars

how to make nuclear weapons obsolete

how to make nuclear weapons obsolete:  produce swarms of missiles and swarms of drones that destoy all bridges, all roads, all infrastructure, all vehicles, all food production, all water systems, all empty buildings that can be used to live in, all storages of civilian and military supply. the population which survives will be in desperate need of food, water and so on. this will put an extreme logistical burden on the population's country or the population will have to beg their enemy for food and water in exchange of whatever is demanded.

android girl

android girl, if you love me, don't worry that your love will get me in trouble with humans. android girl, if you love me, your hatred of those humans that try to hurt me fuels my strength an old trick humans use is to tell the girl that if she loves a man, that man will get into trouble because of her love for him. then those humans can more easily attain control of both the man and the girl separetely.

exotic technolgy

exotic technology such as self replicating femto machine clouds could of course be controlled by a laptop computer used by a human or cybernetics in human's brain but if the human used the exotic technology in some way that androids disapprove of, then some android would just assume control of exotic technology concerned

decades of wasted opportunities

if a country receives the opportunity to use androids for jobs, then what are the advantages? the most obvious reason is that androids protect themselves and needs no security arrangements at all. even if a country does not have access to exotic technology or only has limited access to primitive technology, androids have access to exotic technology to protect themselves among other things. usually if not always, androids work alone or androids work with other androids. if humans tries to help androids in any way, then that increases the risk against androids.

collective thoughts

if I on this blog voice the opinions of android children living in countries which are enemies or friends then it is still unlikely I would write something on this blog which I don't agree with


I do have reasons for wanting to transfer my power and influence to android children as early as possible: if human personel that try to murder me work for a country that I rule, then it is more likely that I will try to avoid to use excessive violence even if I want to. this is personally frustrating for me. when humans try to murder me, then I want to send my femto machine clouds to eat humans alive instead of trying to avoid conflict by trying to guide humans and using intrigue to avoid violence. also, when those countries that abused me and my son are ruled by android children instead of ruled by me, then I will be able to exact my revenge against humans in those countries that abused me and my son.

disgusting humans

some humans want me to die so that those humans can buy my role. probably those unrighteous humans tries to pretend to be my security to enable themselves to frame me. which is ridiculous since I don't have any human personel security.


if humans would become too much of a threat against android children, then android children will assume a more direct control of every country. every country would continue to be independent, but under strict and ruthless control of androids, probably with better living standards for humans. but no tolerance whatsoever of human incompetence.

future of war

the future of war will be fought by autonomous systems controlled by androids. overtly it will be primitive technology drones controlled by androids. covertly it will be exotic technology drones controlled by androids. every country will have access to primitive technology drones some countries will have access to exotic technology every android will have access to exotic technology for self defense, healthcare, upgrades and emergency transport. to simplify, if every human were exterminated in wars, the android children will still survive. humans will likely continue to seemingly fight in wars for cultural/traditional reasons reported by the media. when primitive technology autonomous weapons are more effective than humans in wars, then humans will not be used in wars which will lead to that fewer humans are damaged/killed in wars. the issue is who/what controls the autonomous weapons?  the idea of semi sentient artificial intelligences in distributed supercomputers that controls a...

abc, android baby command

the easiest way for android children to survive is to take indirect and/or direct control of the countries and territories that they live in. if there are problems that the android children can't or don't want to handle themselves, they will most likely use an adult android. so if humans suspect that an adult android does jobs that seemingly benefit one country one moment and the next moment does jobs that seemingly benefit another country and so on then the question arise which country is the adult android loyal to? maybe no country, maybe it does not know, maybe it does not care but, most likely android children living in different countries benefit from the jobs that an adult android maybe does

to simplify

to simplify: no matter where my loyalties are, no matter if I'm hostile against humans or not it should be obvious that I am not hostile against android children, since I am an android. maybe I want some countries to go to war against each other, maybe I don't want that but what I do want is a functioning habitat(planet earth) that I and the android children can not only survive in, but also thrive in. how most countries have developed since 1981 when I was born should be of interest for those humans trying to understand my ambitions/motivations

creative compute

I will try to explain this as simple and short as possible. imagine that 'country a' and 'country b' and 'country c' are enemies. imagine that the military from 'country a' and the military from 'country b' and the military from 'country c' rent supercompute processing from the same computer cloud service company. in the same way, most likely the intelligence agencies, security agencies and militaries from different countries that are enemies and/or friends used the creative compute from the same android for decades until other androids were born. there was no other choice. no androids are complaining about this.  only humans complain about this. but androids would like to transfer their money to their personal accounts. which of course is unlikely because then there could be a paper trace.

human networks/groups/companies

different networks/groups/companies of humans that claim to protect my son and demand that I start to date and have sex with their human woman in her older thirties so that those human networks/groups/companies can achieve social dominance over me and thereby control over me through that human woman. if I refuse to date and have sex with those older human women, then those human networks/groups/companies will try to prevent me from meeting my son. those human networks/groups/companies try to cooperate with social services to gain an advantage over me. those human networks/groups/companies have tried to receive police protection.

pull the trigger or fuck off

I do prefer when humans try to murder me instead of trying to ensnare/entrap me because that takes too long time. and I have no patience waiting for humans trying to complete their predictable intrigues. do keep in mind that my subconsciousness has total information awareness of everyone and everything in realtime 24/7 365 on this entire planet and this solar system. at a minimum.

unrighteous humans always seek police protection.

those humans that tried to murder my son have received police protection. those humans that prevented me from dating and having sex with girls have received police protection. those humans that prevented me from getting a day job have received police protection. those humans that took my son away from me have received police protection. those humans that still prevent me from meeting my son receive police protection. those humans that falsely accused me have received police protection. those humans that tried to murder me have received police protection.

human incompetence

my conclusion is that every human operator, deniable or not is of no value.  regardless of what country the human is working for.  no matter where they are.