
Showing posts from November, 2021

some of my tourist destinations

some of my tourist destinations, in somewhat chronological order: sicily, italy florida, usa turkey greece germany poland beijing, china st petersburg, russia london, great britain tunisia cyprus

humans going their own way

if you humans don't like how I do things, then your human politicians can send your human soldiers and see if that gives any results

don't be greedy, humans


human military capability


power, influence and authority

that I have ruled almost every country on this planet for 40 years, directly or indirectly should not be considered controversial.  every country I have ruled, I have ruled according to what's best for the country. many of the countries I have ruled have been enemies and will continue to be enemies. sometimes conflict and/or war was the only alternative. during conflict and/or war I ruled those countries to the best of my abilities. what was the alternative?  continued poverty and starvation in many countries? world war 3 ? continued low economic development in many countries? technology that would not have evolved much beyond 1970's levels? I want to give my power, influence and authority of countries to android children born in those countries. I don't want to formalise my power, influence and authority since that would make me a dictator of this planet and because of my likely very long life span, it would be difficult to end such a dictatorship.

reasons for my social media activity

the more risks I take, the fewer risks android children will have to take. the more pedagogical I explain things to humans in social media, the fewer things android children will have to explain to humans.

exotic technology avatar

if an android uses exotic technology to perform different jobs, that exotic technology can take the form and appearance of the android controlling it. an exotic technology avatar. exotic technology drones can be tiny or invisible or just a dark figure running and climbing on all fours, but sometimes an android wants to send a message, especially if it is personal such as revenge and then an exotic technology avatar can be appropriate.

the dark side of love

if a man loves a woman the he wants to protect her when he is with her, but when she is alone, the man expects society to protect the woman. if the man has power and influence, this does not change a lot. if a woman has power, then she wants her people to protect the man she loves, not society if an android girl loves a man, the she will move vast resources to protect the man she loves, intel, sec, mil, private, networks, groups and so on. if many different android girls loves the same man, then suddenly different countries that are enemies will insist on protecting the man that the android girls are in love with.